A Cheshire Cat in Wonderland

I’ve done what I came here to do.

I have provided you with three gifts.

I have provided you with the confirmed DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse for the pathology of “parental alienation.”

I have provided you with a means to require the American Psychological Association to revise their position statement on “parental alienation” to formally recognize that the pathology exists and formally designate children and families evidencing this pathology as representing a “special population” requiring specialized professional knowledge and expertise to competently assess, diagnose, and treat.

I have provided you with a road to reunite with your natural allies in mental health and restore the unity within mental health regarding the pathology of “parental alienation.”

There’s nothing more I can do for you at this point in time. It’s now up to you.

To Targeted Parents:

These are your children. This is your fight.

I’ve activated Standards 2.01 and 9.01 of the APA ethics code to give you the weapon of licensing board complaints that you need to require professional competence (Standard 2.01) in the assessment (Standard 9.01) of your children and families to prevent harm to you and your children (Standard 3.04).

I have given you the strategy for changing the APA’s position statement to formally recognize your children and families as a special population requiring specialized professional knowledge and expertise to competently assess, diagnose, and treat.

It’s now up to you.

The APA must eventually change its position statement to incorporate an attachment-based model of the pathology because their current position statement is now too narrow and too specific to only Gardnerian Parental Alienation Syndrome. So at some point they must change their position statement. Whether this takes one year or ten, is up to you.

To Gardnerian PAS Experts:

I’ve corrected the initial mistake by Gardner that took us down the wrong path of a “new syndrome” unique in all of mental health when he did not apply the professional rigor necessary to define the pathology within standard and established psychological principles and constructs.

By correcting this initial error of Gardner in too quickly abandoning established and accepted psychological principles and constructs in his proposal of a “new syndrome,” I have given you the DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse, Confirmed. This changes the conceptual framework from one of child custody and visitation to one of child protection which requires a period of protective separation for the child from the pathogenic parenting of the allied narcissistic/borderline parent during the active phase of the child’s treatment and recovery. 

Correcting Gardner’s initial error in proposing a “new syndrome” which is unique in all of professional psychology and by instead defining the pathology entirely within standard and established psychological principles and constructs, I’ve provided defined domains of professional knowledge (personality disorder pathology, attachment trauma pathology, family systems pathology) that are necessary for professional competence and expertise, and to which all mental health professionals can be held accountable.

I’ve given you a set of three definitive diagnostic indicators in the child’s symptom display that are defined by standard and established forms of symptom pathology and that can reliably identify the pathology of “parental alienation” and reliably differentiate the pathology of “parental alienation” from all other forms of parent-child conflict.

By reformulating the description of the pathology from entirely within standard and established professional constructs and principles within mental health, I’ve also given you a road back to reuniting with establishment mental health, and bringing the unity to mental health that is so desperately needed by targeted parents and their children.

It’s Up to You

Activating these gifts will require a paradigm shift from the Garderian PAS model to an attachment-based model. Whether this paradigm shift takes one year or ten, is up to you.

I’ve done what I set out to do. I’ve given you these gifts.

My continued overt presence on the stage of “parental alienation” serves no useful function at this point in time other than to distract from what needs to happen to activate these gifts. So, like the Cheshire Cat in Wonderland, my conversation with Alice is done and I will vanish now,

alice23a“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’

‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland; Chapter VI

So which way you decide to go is up to you now. And like the Cheshire Cat who has reached the end of his conversation with Alice, I will fade from view and allow you to choose whatever path you wish.

Going Dark

This will be my last blog post. My blog is going dark. And I don’t plan on making any more posts to the parental alienation area of my website. If a time comes that needs my Diagnosis book, I’ll produce that.

I’ll still be around. I’ll be available for expert testimony in court cases if your attorney thinks my testimony could be helpful, or for professional-to-professional consultations or writing collaborations. But this is your fight now. As I’ve said all along, I’m not your warrior, I’m your weapon.

I’ll still be working with Dorcy in getting you the intervention you need to restore your children’s normal-range functioning once you’re able to acquire the necessary protective separation (we must first be able to protect the child before we can ask the child to show his or her authenticity).  And I’ll be standing shoulder to shoulder with her in the upcoming battle with the pathogen.  But the assault on the individual allies of the pathogen, the binding sites of ignorance, and on the citadel of establishment mental health, these are your battles.  I cannot fight these battles for you.

My primary professional focus now will be to reveal a model of developmentally supportive child psychotherapy that’s based in the scientific research on the neuro-development of the brain during childhood, as a replacement for our current obsolete behaviorist child therapy approach that’s based in outdated research from the 1940s on changing the behavior of lab rats. You think solving “parental alienation” is difficult, I’m going to set about solving all of child psychotherapy.  I already have the model for that.  Wish me luck.

I’ve given you what you need, now it’s up to you. If it takes one year or ten, that’s up to you now.

This will be my last blog post. There is nothing more for me to to say that will advance our ability to change the mental health and legal response to the pathology.  You have Foundations.  You have Professional Consultation.  You have the ABAB Assessment and Remedy protocol. You have the online California Southern University Master Lecture Series seminars (google California Southern University Dr. Childress).  Foundations actives Standards 2.01 and 9.01 and gives you the DSM-5 diagnosis of Child Psychological Abuse, and an attachment-based alternative to Gardnerian PAS provides you with the reason needed to seek a change in the APA position statement.  You have everything you need.

So my blog is going dark.

“No, please stay with us.  We’ll miss you.”

If you need me, I’ll be here. And I’ll still be working with Dorcy on having the solution available when we reach that point. But there is nothing more for me to say for the time being. Things need to change. These are your children, this is ultimately your fight. If you’re waiting for someone to rescue you, you will be waiting a very long time.  I am a lone psychologist in private practice. I cannot rescue you. My going dark is empowering you.

I can only give you the tools you need and show you the strategy.  But you must come together.  You are all in this together.  You cannot solve the pathology of “parental alienation” in any one case, for just your child, until we solve “parental alienation” for all children.  “Me and mine” are narcissistic attitudes.  We cannot fight narcissism by being narcissistic.  You will only solve this pathology by coming together in support of each other, and not in mutual commiseration, but in action.

I’m leaving the stage so as not to distract you from your task, whatever you may decide that to be, wait for someone to rescue you, or set about the hard road of rescuing your children.

Like the Cheshire Cat with Alice,

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’

‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat,

Craig Childress, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857

47 thoughts on “A Cheshire Cat in Wonderland”

  1. Thank you Dr Childress. Your dedication and contribution to this cause are incredible. I for one intend to take up the battle. 

    I would still like to talk with you about the most advantageous PhD research that I could undertake to advance this field in the future. In mean time,  enjoy a break from pathogenic parenting and good luck in your new challenge. 

    Best wishes Andrew Mair

    Adelaide, Australia

  2. Thank you! You have done the work-now it is time for society and our laws to change as it needs to. You have helped our family in so many ways.

    1. Catherine, there is a Historical event in progress. An event to protect the Constitutional Rights of mothers and their children. A event that will prevent narcissistic ex’s/fathers, layers, and judges from abusing the court system to punish or destroy the mother, and damage the children. It might be wise to pay close attention to a Writ of Certiorari (Petition) (which is associated with the landmark case Roe V Wade) that has been filed with The US Supreme Court. The purpose of the Writ is to legally bring social change and reform to the State of Michigan Family Law Court and Family Law Courts throughout the United States. Please take the time to read the Writ to fully understand it, and as Strength is in Unity… share it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Moffatt Law Firm at (661)945-6121 02 (866)295-0047

      Link to Writ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fk3mlje0ygek69/31677%20pdf%20Adkins.pdf?dl=0

      1. Thank you. I just found this site and read through the blog. I’ve had to fire two therapist for making me the bad guy – saying that i must have done something to deserve the way my kids feel about me. That kids don’t just come up with hate for no reason… uh no kidding, Dr. Childress hit the nail on the head when he called out the narcissistic side of the abuser and that evil doesn’t see evil in themselves because they believe it’s the other guy that is evil (loved that part). The attorneys, judges, GALS, mediators, family therapist all need to be educated instead of taking the kids away from the targeted parent and telling them it’s all going to work out, they just need a bit of time to cool off. I hope one day Wisconsin can be educated on this topic.

  3. Hey, well I’m sad but I understand your position. You’ve Knocked yourself out working on this EVIL! You can lead the horse to water but you can’t make them drink! I understand Targeted Parents have been beat down so bad some have fallen by the wayside, developed their own mental illnesses, bankrupt, humiliated, unable to function and SCARED to reach out for help in fear the PP will use that against them too, to further the damage that’s been done and possibly be forced to give up their parental rights to the abuser!
    Somehow, someway we surly could put our heads together with all the information you’ve given everybody and start making a NOISE to bring attention to this failure of mental health!
    I know everybody is TIRED and will become depressed with the upcoming holidays! Take extra special care of yourselves and DONT GIVE UP!
    I’m spiritual and GOD is my strength but we need to remember the LORD gave us a brain to think with and this treatment of, ESPECIALLY of little children, is an abomination to HIM!
    I pray a lot! Actually consistently and I feel strongly GOD is going to turn this around!, stay in belief and call those things that aren’t as though they are! Positive thinking is all that is and it’s a passage in the HOLY BIBLE!
    But GOD IS NO GENIE, so we put works behind our faith!
    Can we start getting groups together in our states through newspaper articles, newspaper interviews, leaving the pamphlets around the courthouses, in attorney’s offices that practice family law? Call on Department for Families and Children, (if we all come together, give ourselves a name) ask for a discussion and present Dr Childress’s study and all that he’s shared with us how pathological parenting works, ONLY IF WE HAVE HIS APPROVAL, and the ATTORNEY GENERAL should be included as well!
    Let’s all put on our thinking caps and get to work to STOP PP! Stop this virus, leaving our children VOID and HOLLOW on the inside!

    1. Gayle, there is a Historical event in progress. An event to protect the Constitutional Rights of mothers and their children. A event that will prevent narcissistic ex’s/fathers, layers, and judges from abusing the court system to punish or destroy the mother, and damage the children. It might be wise to pay close attention to a Writ of Certiorari (Petition) (which is associated with the landmark case Roe V Wade) that has been filed with The US Supreme Court. The purpose of the Writ is to legally bring social change and reform to the State of Michigan Family Law Court and Family Law Courts throughout the United States. Please take the time to read the Writ to fully understand it, and as Strength is in Unity… share it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Moffatt Law Firm at (661)945-6121 02 (866)295-0047

      Link to Writ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fk3mlje0ygek69/31677%20pdf%20Adkins.pdf?dl=0

  4. Doc, we love you and thank you and respect you so much. I’m going to get my daughter home, thank you for empowering me and God be with you. Lisa and Sofia

    1. Lisa, there is a Historical event in progress. An event to protect the Constitutional Rights of mothers and their children. A event that will prevent narcissistic ex’s/fathers, layers, and judges from abusing the court system to punish or destroy the mother, and damage the children. It might be wise to pay close attention to a Writ of Certiorari (Petition) (which is associated with the landmark case Roe V Wade) that has been filed with The US Supreme Court. The purpose of the Writ is to legally bring social change and reform to the State of Michigan Family Law Court and Family Law Courts throughout the United States. Please take the time to read the Writ to fully understand it, and as Strength is in Unity… share it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Moffatt Law Firm at (661)945-6121 02 (866)295-0047

      Link to Writ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fk3mlje0ygek69/31677%20pdf%20Adkins.pdf?dl=0

  5. I wasn’t done, I wanted to thank Dr Childress for giving so much to us! We can and MUST use the wisdom and scientific knowledge freely given.
    Dr Childress, THANK YOU SINCERELY from the depths of my heart and to your family for giving you up to spend time with us!
    To anybody and everybody that want to come together with me please do so, I have never done anything like this before so I could use help too!
    The idea of a child/children being PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSED is more than I can take and the HELL the EVIL ONE has done to the other parent and their families make me lose many nights of sleep and floods my mind continuously!
    Again, Thank you Dr Childress for all you’ve done!

  6. Thank you Dr. Childress! Everything you have done and written has honed my thinking and understanding into lazar like clarity about what used to be a morass of confusion and chaos in my mind about parental alienation. I so appreciate your work and for laying out the substance and the strategy for system and paradigm change and even going dark is a logical next step and a wake up and push in the right direction for the world of target parents. That is a powerful force and weapon you are handing over to us and telling us that it is up to us now. And you are so right. The words “me” and “mine” is the mark of narcissism. We need to work together for the good of all. I see so many talented and kind and intelligent people on the internet who see this now the same way I do. I want it to happen within one year, not ten. So, let’s get to work.

    Nora Renzulli
    New York City

    1. Nora, there is a Historical event in progress. An event to protect the Constitutional Rights of mothers and their children. A event that will prevent narcissistic ex’s/fathers, layers, and judges from abusing the court system to punish or destroy the mother, and damage the children. It might be wise to pay close attention to a Writ of Certiorari (Petition) (which is associated with the landmark case Roe V Wade) that has been filed with The US Supreme Court. The purpose of the Writ is to legally bring social change and reform to the State of Michigan Family Law Court and Family Law Courts throughout the United States. Please take the time to read the Writ to fully understand it, and as Strength is in Unity… share it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Moffatt Law Firm at (661)945-6121 02 (866)295-0047

      Link to Writ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fk3mlje0ygek69/31677%20pdf%20Adkins.pdf?dl=0

  7. Dr. Childress,

    We still need help applying what you’ve given us. Truly targeted parents are marginalized. Many are said to be crazy, have personality disorders, be abusive, etc. We can keep trying, but we really do not have a voice. Boards don’t care about the “disgruntled parent” with no degrees in mental health, especially if they have been deemed the lesser parent by a colkeague. They listen to their board members and their colleagues, and their decisions favor them. Is there even one case where a board has meted out disciplinary actions against members for their incompetence in diagnosing the pathogen we face (the only case in aware of is Dr. Greenberg in the Seattle area, in which case the mother was able to record at least one conversation and I believe the correction was made in court first)?

    It sure seems like licensing board complaints, made by the “disgruntled parent”, are a dead end.

    CPS has told me personally that it is nearly impossible for them to prove psychological child abuse. That is also a dead end.

    At least in my area, many of the psychologists in the same type of field all work hand in hand. Actually, the judge in my case said they are all probably “incestuous”, and shrugged it off like that’s just logical to expect. In my case, the Psy.D I see personally can see exactly what’s happening and is supportive of me, but there is nothing she can do. She does not see my children, so she cannot diagnose the psychological child abuse. Is there a diagnosis code for psychological abuse in adults? It seems any help from the psychological field is, again, another dead end.

    We also have to be aware that the pathogen will often try to blend in, and say they are the victim. They may also join in for the sake of getting information about an individual so they can twist it and it can be used against them. It is hard for us to know who to trust, so support/information exchange groups are not necessarily safe.

    Couldn’t you stay visibly present with us, and post about progress being made, such as if the discussion you spoke of really does happen at an APA conference, and the results, any positive media coverage, any cases where a board complaint is actually effective (and possibly why they were successful), mentions of therapists, attorneys, and others who have communicated support, etc. ? Just hearing from you is a shot in the arm – someone with credibility gets it. Someone who is not a targeted parent is fighting. Our children keep us going, but the pathogen is continuous and relentless in its attacks. We have very little left when we are constantly under attack.

    I understand you’ve given us the tools, and you’ve told us who to try to reach. We still need people with voices who will stand with us and will stand up for us, and to give us credibility and a voice.

    1. T. Lynn, there is a Historical event in progress. An event to protect the Constitutional Rights of mothers and their children. A event that will prevent narcissistic ex’s/fathers, layers, and judges from abusing the court system to punish or destroy the mother, and damage the children. It might be wise to pay close attention to a Writ of Certiorari (Petition) (which is associated with the landmark case Roe V Wade) that has been filed with The US Supreme Court. The purpose of the Writ is to legally bring social change and reform to the State of Michigan Family Law Court and Family Law Courts throughout the United States. Please take the time to read the Writ to fully understand it, and as Strength is in Unity… share it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Moffatt Law Firm at (661)945-6121 02 (866)295-0047

      Link to Writ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fk3mlje0ygek69/31677%20pdf%20Adkins.pdf?dl=0

  8. You are a hypocrite. What happened to “we” and the hope YOU put in everyone’s head that we hope to have this fixed by Christmas 2016? And the blogs that stated it could take longer but will be sooner with our help.
    OMG…I can’t believe you just up and bail. Delete my comment. Because you know what? It was never about helping the kids to you, or you wouldn’t have started this.
    Go ahead and state how YOU have given us gifts.
    Give me a break.

    1. Marsha, there is a Historical event in progress. An event to protect the Constitutional Rights of mothers and their children. A event that will prevent narcissistic ex’s/fathers, layers, and judges from abusing the court system to punish or destroy the mother, and damage the children. It might be wise to pay close attention to a Writ of Certiorari (Petition) (which is associated with the landmark case Roe V Wade) that has been filed with The US Supreme Court. The purpose of the Writ is to legally bring social change and reform to the State of Michigan Family Law Court and Family Law Courts throughout the United States. Please take the time to read the Writ to fully understand it, and as Strength is in Unity… share it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Moffatt Law Firm at (661)945-6121 02 (866)295-0047

      God Bless and wish you a Merry Christmas!

      Link to Writ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fk3mlje0ygek69/31677%20pdf%20Adkins.pdf?dl=0

  9. I personally expected this “going dark” post to come eventually and the fact that it’s here now isn’t a real surprise. After all Dr. Childress can only restate his material so many times (as he has done so many times before) and eventually there is nothing new to discuss. However his latest entries focusing on recent oppositions to his defined model has been useful in highlighting the very real realities of the targeted parent that opposition is at EVERY turn, and his responses are giving us understandings of how to stand up to the oppositions. So in that respect I personally feel like it just started getting real for the movement. Was his Domestic Violence post the last piece we needed in our tool kit? I think Childress feels so, and perhaps it is. Domestic violence/abuse and neglect are the CORE components which surface polish us out of access to our children. It always has been and always will be, and by Childress saying the model will not allow authentic abuse/neglect to enter the model perhaps is the last answer to the problem PAS poses. So his job IS done. Right? I don’t know, only he knows, but it feels like it.

    Having said this, I still feel a loss with him saying he’s ducking out of the focus, and here is why. Leadership, it’s not my strong point and probably not yours either and so absent Dr. Childress’s leadership who do we follow? Dr. Craig once said “narcissist usually don’t marry a narcissist” which means that most of us targeted parents are probably somewhere deep on the slide-rule of co-dependency and not gleaming examples of leadership. So then who is our leader? Dr. Childress is asking US, the targeted parents to take action through licensing board complaints. How many people have actually done this yet? I haven’t. I can’t get the Play therapist to release her intake assessment and treatment plan without my ex’s consent which means I must litigate to get it. Without it I don’t have a complaint. I am ligating, but this is not fast, nor is it cheap. So how many of us are following Childress’s outline? What’s the results so far of this. Is the licensing board listening yet?

    How many of us have reached complete clarity on the material Childress has given us? My point is that this isn’t an easy concept to hold in its entirety and we need a central voice to help us parse the message to the anyone and to organize the necessary efforts to actualize the change. Dr. Childress has become the face, he knows his stuff, he’s concise, but is he the best to lead? I would argue no. First, the more he’s in the focus the more it becomes about “His” new model, and “His” ideas his occult. He didn’t invent this stuff he just pointed out that a systems already exists and that they are definitively effective. So who will lead us then?

    We need an organization called something like the “The Clinical & Legal Consortium for the Pass/Fail Test for Parental Psychological Child Abuse”. That’s it. Boom. I want to walk into court and DEMAND that the “Pass/Fail Test for Parental Psychological Child Abuse” be issued. Actually I want to walk into the court house and the Pass/Fail Test for Parental Psychological Child Abuse is a prerequisite for ALL high-conflict custody RFOs. No choice on either parties part, because it’s automatic. It’s what I expect and I think it’s what we should all expect.

    I don’t want to prove that I am right about my ex, I could be the culprit after all, I just want to know something is in place to indisputably determine abuse so we can move on with treatment.

    Please, if there is an organization already in place which carries the banner of Attachment Based PA leave a link. I will join and I think we should all join.

  10. Dr Childress. I feel so sad and at the same time I understand that you’re stopping the blog. Maybe you’ll help us better in the shadow. We still have Dorcy and she’s going to be of a great help.
    My greatest move was to subtitle your videos and show them to my daughter. I am also seriously thinking about writing a book about “Parental Alienation” as there is not much competition with this subject in my country.
    My worst move was to get Marsha into our group. I seriously wish I would have had never met her as she took some of your energy which was so much needed.
    You’ve made me a better person. You’ve raised my awareness about the simplest things in life to an incredible level. No other person has made so many positive changes in my life.
    We will do the job. We will free these kids.
    God bless you Dr Childress

  11. Earlier in your blogs which have been wonderful, you promised to help those targeted parents with adult children that are gone. My daughter had been lost for 16 years and is 26 Years old. I’m still waiting for your wise help but so far all you have recommended is not to send them your book.
    sorry to see you go.
    I am at peace with the knowledge I am not the crazy one and have let her go as the bible says in Kings Solomon. I shall not bring harm to my child and therefore decided to let her go.
    I have no more shame.
    thanks for that. But reality is I shall never see my murdered daughter again.

    1. Oh dear, I’m with you and in the same boat. My heart aches for us all. We need a support group or someone to cry with that understands without judgment.

  12. Dr C, profound thanks for illuminating, connecting dots, educating and bravely sharing. That’s courageous, and I am truly grateful.


  13. The place to go from here is over to The Natonal Alliance for Targeted Parents website: http://targetedparent.com

    Also, (just for the time being), if you aren’t already a member, you can contact someone to add you to the Dr. Childress Appreciation Society Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/487517468075571

    As we get more organized you will hear news in either one or both of those places.

    If anybody knows better than I do of where to send targeted parents to get this show on the road, post it here.

    Let’s roll.

    1. http://targetedparent.com, it’s rough, but it’s something. Perhaps it’s still too early to hope for something like “The Clinical & Legal Consortium for the Pass/Fail Test for Parental Psychological Child Abuse”, but at least there’s someplace to go.
      I appreciate the links.
      I’ve joined up.

  14. Dr. Chidress
    Your work has profoundly benefited me. My children are in the hands of a deeply disturbed man with a host of family and friends similarly dangerous to the children’s well being. While I certainly understand the need for blog to go dark and individuals affected by this devastating type of targeting to network, organize and carry on, your guidance will be missed. You have indeed given me the framework to work within an work I will. Thank you. Anyone wishing to connect and create a Google community for targeted parents, contact me. Llcb68@gmail.com.
    Let’s see what a unified approach yeilds.

  15. Hmmm?

    I agree with Dr Childress work. The only area which is lacking is in the extended family. I am the father of a daughter who is the targeted parent. My wife,another daughter, son in law, granddaughter, a best friend have all been alienated by the pathogen. It has been a part of the alienators evil agenda. He tells the children they are all on her side.
    I am a strong advocate of attachment based “parental alienation.”


    I have developed a rapport with our local mental health center and they purchased the book Fondations. I also provided them with a copy of the shorter version of the book along with all of the other important information including the diagnostic indicators and the single case abab assessment and remedy. I attended a workshop on childhood tramautic experiences which may lead to adult psychiatric concerns in June 2013. A panel was involved of clinical staff which also included a judge and and local school superintendent. I sent them a descriptive letter about Dr. Childress work and encouraged each one to purchase Foundations. I have shared information with our attorney who is seeing the big picture finally but we are working with a status quo and very weak judge who continually favors the alienator.

    STATUS of Children now teenagers

    Daughter turns 18 next month and has not seen mother for 61 days. She did not see mother for 41 days once in 2014.
    Son is 15 and continues parenting time but often is demeaning and in charge of things.Only reason for parenting time is because of citation. Both are outstanding athletes and well known to the community. Neither one are in therapy and it was ineffective when it did occur in 2012 and 2013. Both testified in court at fathers request. My greatest concern is how this will effect them in the future. I wonder about their emotional well being from psychological child abuse when they become adults. Today, they are not normal like other teenagers because they are not authentic. They have traits and character just like their Father. However, we still love them very much. We want the best for them.

    Gardnerian PAS

    This is all we had until Dr Childress came on board. In fact, in 2011 this is what we were introduced with PAS. I did not find Dr Childress site until 2013. We had an outstanding therapist in the beginning who introduced us to PAS. I studied it and was hopeful it would play out. But our attorney went to the dsm book and threw his hands up in the air saying pas is not in here!!!
    From my understanding the severe cases of PAS are equivalent to attachment based parental alienation. Dr Childress has it nailed! The more I studied Dr Childress’s work it reflected exactly what was happening in our case. The personality disorder and diagnostic indicators were all present, as was the delusional thinking. We got a severe case of PAS. DSM-5 did not pass PAS-wow a setback for all of us in 2013.

    Hmmm? The puzzle

    The children are experiencing emotional abuse and evilness in all severe cases. I agree that we all need to work together. But, it looks like that is not going to happen. We have two camps within ourselves. Dr.Childress camp and the gardnerian camp. Whoops, I mean the targeted parents camp and the Gardnerian camp composed also of many targeted parents and followers.

    It appears to me that the gardnerian experts are many and stronger. Dr. Childress is just one person. What is going to happen? Now he is on the back burner while we decide how we are going to proceed.
    I will ponder and think for awhile before I decide with two exceptions. I am going to write up the judge in our case and present it to the judicial review board in our state. We have solid criteria for errors. I also will check sites you have listed above for support and help.

    Concluding, you all know how draining and exhausting this is. I feel Dr. Childress needs a rest. Good luck Dr. Childress with your new research and peace be with you.


  16. Why Targeted Parents Support Dr Craig Childress…

    This targeted parent of many years supports Dr Childress simply because he PERFECTLY described what has torn my family apart. All of the other parental alienation books that I have read did not. I am a targeted parent not a psychologist. This is my reference and the #1 reason I support Dr Childress. I am thankful to all the other mental health supporters that have stuck their necks out for 30 years in support for PAS (weak foundation) to try to combat this abuse, but you need to understand that Dr Childress has nailed it PERFECTLY!!! He has been able to articulate the true root cause of this abuse better than you. Yet, you remain silent. I have not found any mental health professional that has challenged his work and lead me to question my support of Dr Childress. Again, I am not a psychologist. Dr Childress’ work has resonated with many other targeted parents as it did me.

    Psychologist need to make a decision to support Dr Childress or challenge his work because his work is absolutely relevant, as he PERFECTLY described what has torn my family apart.

    Support or challenge. Targeted children and parents need to know.

    I suggest that every targeted parent that supports Dr Childress leave a short or long reply to this blog to show their support. I would guess there are many.

    Standup and be counted!

    1. I lost my daughter over 16 years ago. She is now 26 and continues to terrorize me. I had never heard of PAS in anyway until a year ago a book by Amy Baker of which I didn’t agree with in many ways. Then came dr childress OMGOODNESS my understanding of my life came to be. I’m not crazy after all. Thank you for everything. I have shared your blogs with my personal therapist in order for her to help me. She in turn has told me that she has shared with her other patients the blogs I gave her and that target parent who is in the middle of court now says that i, no, you Dr Childress has saved his children. IT may be too late for my child but I try to pass your work on by Facebook or by anyway I can. You saved my life. I’m not crazy and I have no shame. Thank you. Everything you said in your book is right on. Enjoy your rest. I wish I could turn in those morons who ruined my life but I’m sure they are retired by now. Again thank you for all your hard work. I will continue to be an advocate for all of the future children and target parents out there to the best of my ability .

      1. Same Here!
        We all thought we were going Crazy! Thanks to drcraigchildress!, we can now make sense out of things that didn’t!
        I have written Dr Phil probably 4 times without response! I think everybody should agree on a date and all of us go to his website and ask to appear on show, telling him a bit about our stories! Maybe if many contact Dr Phil, at least within 2 week period. He will KNOW WE HAVE A STORY THAT NEEDS ATTENTION!!! This will give us TV TIME TO LET PEOPLE KNOW HOW RAMPANT THIS IS AND OUR MENTAL HEALTH PEOPLE NEED EDUCATED JUDGES ATTORNEYS TEACHERS, SW, TARGETED PARENTS SHOULD BE AWARE BECAUSE THIS IS INSIDIOUS AND ITS GOT YOU BEFORE YOU KNOW WHATS GOING ON!
        Let me and others know when many of us can get others to seek DR PHIL!

  17. Dr. C. … I do not think your work is yet done! This matter is too big and too important to be left-in-the-DARK.. The crusade for awareness is till not complete. ****The Pathogen will eat us alive..****

    WE NEED TO SEE YOU ON NATIONAL TV!! – advocating and explaining the Attachment-Based Model for Parental Alienation.
    Programs such as Dr. Phil provide the ideal platform for this National Crusade, please watch the following and take up the arms against the Gardnerian Model and the Mental Health system that still permeates the Mental Health and Legal Systems. Write to Dr. Phil – he is a very professional and sincere advocate for Child protection and well being, but nevertheless, still needs educating… what a great platform that would be..

    With Great Respect and recognition.

  18. Like FORGOTTENMOM I have lost my adult daughter (age 21). I too remembered that “Earlier in your blogs which have been wonderful, you promised to help those targeted parents with adult children that are gone”. I have been waiting for your wise counsel.
    I have a lot of shame and embarrassment because I was so taken in by my ex husband.
    Where do I turn to for guidance on how to deal with an adult child who will not acknowledge me at all?

    1. Dear sandy,
      please see a therapist and take with you the book Foundations, ask them to read it first and then have them call you for an appointment to help you. I did.
      also I was told to send an email to my daughter at least once a month short, just an I’m here ,or I love you kind of thing by the people of PAS on Facebook. Wrong. As Dr Childress has said if your child is in contact with their father still and his family etc as my child is then every time I contacted her she was abused by him. I’m not good at bible verses but in kings Solomon was brought to make a decision between 2 women fighting for one baby because the other woman’s baby had died in the night and she stole the other woman’s baby claiming it was hers.
      Solomon said bring me my sword and I will cut the baby in half and each of you can have half of the child. The woman who stole the child agreed but the real mother cried and said no give the child to the other woman do not harm the baby. I lied the baby is hers. Solomon granted the baby to her claiming only a true mother would never want Any harm to come to their own flesh and blood.

      My point is I learned I can’t expect to contact my daughter without having my ex abusing her still to this day at the age of 26. Someone is watching her computer. Her last email to me was asking me to never email nor ever contact her again in any way ever again for ever more.

      For the first time I had this in writing from my daughter to me. So what I did was wrote a letter to all my family who after all these years has never supported me ,blamed me etc and I included a blog post and I included my email to her and her email to me.
      They were shocked. My father disinherited her.
      And my lawyer included her email in my will so that she will be unable to contest anything I write.
      What a shame.
      But life goes on. She was an only child but will not get a dime from this family.
      I’m free.
      I feel free. And I have set her free. I’m not hurting her and frankly dr childress left us targeted parents with adult kids hanging.
      He did make a promise that he didn’t keep.
      he still helped.I don’t think there is anything else to do.she’s gone.
      Forgotten mom

      1. Dr Childress is not gone and he didn’t break any promise. It comes to all the alienated parent to spread the word and let the APA know we need a change. How often have you get in touch with the APA? That’s what I mean. This is not about your child it’s about all the children in the world. Once Dr Childress work will be known and used your daughter will come to realize what happened to her.

  19. Sad, but glad for your work, so glad. I am new to this concept, but 6 years into experiencing it.
    Thank you Dr Childress, for your work, and for giving us the opportunity to band together, join voices, and make a big stink about this travesty.

    1. Hello,
      Hey I’ve been asking everyone to contact Dr Phil! The more of us to flood his website asking to be on show, the better chance we have in getting this nightmare out into the light! There may be many others that haven’t ever stumbled upon dr Childress and we could get even a larger response after our tv appearance!
      Thanks so much!
      We will have to see if Dr Childress could go on the show too, at least a Professional who can speak with knowledge and clarity to this horrible ABUSE!
      Pass it on please.

  20. Dr. Childress, You were the Light for so many in a world darkened by the horrors of denial… What will we do without you I do not know.. You must realize what they do to us… Look what they did to you …Despite all your expertise/ decades of experience … They destroy …How do we get anywhere without you? I realize how selfish this is … You have already given So much… But the fight just began… Those such as myself who know this nightmare inside out Know You Were The Only hope… Not only did you See the horrific reality you had the knowledge / the training to validate the psychopathology going on.. What do we do without you?
    That mental health refuses to see Is the Real terror / The Real insanity … This was what this this child lived anyway… A mental health system That Aided the whole thing. The whole game was @ making it “you” If you dare speak … Mental health Aided them in destroying ~ if You dare speak. This was the true horror .. mental health aid In destroying the child Who Sees… That does not end. This whole thing With mental Heath IS the perfect game @ a very sick mind and Mental Health Refuses To See.. They Don’t Care.. Too caught up in making their invalid theories work… Holding onto their false sense of self importance.. I learned long ago Only the true of heart / the humble man can see… They play the others so cleverly and they never see how easily they are being played..,to wrapped up in “me…”… Realize there are many variations but I saw that one well… We needed you Dr. Childress.. You were the safe haven in the storm… Thank you for all you have done. Selfishly, I wish you stayed with us … there IS no one else to replace the wisdom, care, honesty you gave to us.. My heart breaks at the loss of you …. for all the children left to be harmed by the gross incompetence out there. Mental health truly destroys lives refusing to see.. I spent a childhood watching this reality.. The terror was not @ this pathology It was mental health aiding it. H. G. Beverly wrote it perfectly @ the father who was so concerned @ the child who began “imaging things”… they put her in an institution.. The father had such sorrow @ the child’s demise ~ When the Camera was On… But in reality to him – she brought it upon herself. ” how dare she not go along”.., that Was my life and mental health never saw a thing. One great men such as yourself finally saw Me…gave me back my life.. It was never me… But All works to make it ~ ” you”… How can you leave this ?? Dr. Phil we need to be on your show! The world has got to see! Thank you for all you are from the depths of me and from all the children caught in the web of lies with mental health aiding in the taking of them.. On the otherside in my life most children end up becoming part of the horrific game…it’s the only way they can survive the horror surrounding them.. As Peck wrote long ago… In people if the lie…”few survive this parentage those who do are the ones who can name it”… Evil is what It is. It is @ such evil it Goes unseen @ utter disbelief by so many… That was my life… What I witnessed growing up and finally realized… It is easier to make it “you” then to see such pure evil going on..
    Thank you Dr. Childress for all you are.. Tears of gratitude fall… Tears @ the toll this has taken on you… We love you for who you are. For having the courage and care to stand up for right… You are a great man / Few come close to who you are.. That is a sad truth… We were blessed having found you.. Wish you could stay…

    1. Go to Dr Phil website, ask to be on show, the more people we have to flood his website asking for the same, the better chance his producers will take notice.
      Please use the PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL PARENTING instead of PAS.
      Pass this along to others.

      1. 1959GAYLE. Join the Childress Appreciation Society on facebook and ask members to write to Dr Phil

      2. Excellent Gayle and Eddie. Also include that this is a special needs population which requires specialized mental health services for treatment. First, the children/teenagers need child protection services before they can become wholesome and authentic. We have to keep letting mental health know where to go to get appropriate education and training. It is the book Fondations. Emphasize your concerns for the children when they become adults and the evil impact this current trauma they are experiencing will have on them when they become adults. Thanks, Ken ( an advocate for children,teenagers, and authentic targeted parents who experience pathogenic parenting and no co-parenting from a parent with a personality disorder as defined in the DSM-5.)

      3. Hey,
        Yes those are great points to make!!
        We need spokesperson if, NO, WHEN we get on the show!?
        Any suggestions?
        Kay? Dr Childress? Dorcy?

  21. Forgottenmom, your tired and worn down and sounds like you’re trying to forget but you can’t! Rest and know that a lot of people here have felt hopeless and felt like giving up! Don’t lose hope! Hey, like somebody said, your daughter may just see this and the BELLS will go off!
    Go to Dr Phils website and write to come on the show! We are going to flood his website with requests pertaining to this psychological child abuse! The producers will not be able to ignore all the requests to come on the show so we can get this out there!
    Please, just hang out with us, I can understand how you must feel as everybody has ignored your pleas and hurts and anger and all of it! But just hang out and know we can hold you up when your down, we hear you! You must take care of yourself and your mental health!
    Stay in touch and seek professional help, and hang out with us!
    You quoted scripture so I’m guessing your spiritual?, so I hope I’m not going to offend you by saying this, but I will be praying for you and your daughter! I believe in miracles and answered prayers!
    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, don’t give up hope!

  22. Thank you Dr. Childress. You have given me hope and understanding. God bless you for your good works! I am hoping that someday my 3 children will share in that understanding. I have share Dr. Childress work with my reunification therapist and hope to get her on board. I will join Dr. Childress Appreciation Society Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/487517468075571. I encourage all others to do the same.

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