The Flying Monkey Newsletter

I know my blog has been dark, and I do not intend to reactivate my writing to it at this time, but I want to make a general announcement regarding the availability of a new resource I am making available to targeted parents in our battle to protect and recover your children: The Flying Monkey Newsletter.


Announcement:  The first edition of The Flying Monkey Newsletter is available on my website, just below the Checklist of diagnostic indicators:

The Flying Monkey Newsletter – March 2016

According to the Urban Dictionary, a “flying monkey” is an ally of the narcissist who seeks to inflict additional suffering on the victim of the narcissist.

In attachment-based “parental alienation” these allies of the narcissistic/(borderline) parent provide support for maintaining the pathology involving the psychological abuse of the child by the narcissistic/(borderline) parent. They likely do so because of their own ignorance or because of trauma histories in their own background that resonate with the false trauma reenactment narrative being presented in attachment-based “parental alienation” (a process called “counter-transference” in professional psychology).

The Flying Monkey Newsletter will address the false justifications made by the allies of the pathology for maintaining the pathology of “parental alienation,” with each edition of the newsletter addressing a specific false justification offered by the allies of the pathology. When targeted parents encounter one of these false justifications, they can provide the ally of the pathology with the relevant Flying Monkey Newsletter in response.

The March 2016 Flying Monkey Newsletter addresses the false justification that separating the child from the psychologically abusive narcissistic/(borderline) parent will somehow be harmful for the child.

The April 2016 edition of the Flying Monkey Newsletter will address the false justification made by flying monkeys that an attachment-based model of the “parental alienation” pathology lacks empirical support (it has substantial empirical support in the established literature of professional psychology).

Each edition of the Flying Monkey Newsletter will address a specific false justification offered by the allies of the pathology that they use in their effort to continue the psychological abuse of children by the narcissistic/(borderline) parent.

The pathology of pathogenic parenting that is producing severe developmental pathology (diagnostic indicator 1), personality pathology (diagnostic indicator 2), and delusional-psychiatric pathology (diagnostic indicator 3) in the child as a means to meet the emotional and psychological needs of the parent represents a DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse, Confirmed.

Pathogenic parenting is not a child custody issue, it is a child protection issue.

In our fight to protect and recover your children, I ask all targeted parents, your friends and families, to sign the petition demanding that the American Psychological Association acknowledge that pathogenic parenting exists and that the APA requires professional competence from ALL mental health professionals working with the “special population” of your children and families:

New APA Position Statement: Some children are manipulated into rejecting a parent.

Work with the leadership within your community of targeted parents to write letters, advocate, publicize, and demand professional competence from ALL mental health professionals working with your children and families.

The pathology of “parental alienation” is in the DSM-5. The DSM-5 diagnosis of attachment-based “parental alienation” – as described in Foundations – is V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse, Confirmed.

We must require that ALL mental health professionals be required to assess for the pathology of pathogenic parenting under Standard 9.01a of the ethics code of the American Psychological Association, and if the three diagnostic indicators of pathogenic parenting are present in the child’s symptom display, then ALL mental health professionals must make an appropriate and ACCURATE DSM-5 diagnosis of the pathology evident in the child’s symptom display as representing V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse, Confirmed.

Pathogenic parenting is not a child custody issue, it is a child protection issue.

We will no longer abandon your children to the psychological child abuse inflicted on them by your narcissistic/(borderline) ex-. The battle to protect and recover your children has been joined.

Craig Childress, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857

5 thoughts on “The Flying Monkey Newsletter”

  1. Dear Dr. Childress, I am so happy to hear from you in this new edition. I cannot stop singing your praise. Spoke to my pastor about AB-PA, and he suggested we have a public forum. It’s a great idea that willfit right into the hospital. I will keep you posted Welcome back, even if just for a minute. Karlene Murray-Gordon917-470-4961

    From: Dr Craig Childress: Attachment-Based Parental Alienation To: Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 11:44 AM Subject: [New post] The Flying Monkey Newsletter #yiv3044628187 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv3044628187 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv3044628187 a.yiv3044628187primaryactionlink:link, #yiv3044628187 a.yiv3044628187primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv3044628187 a.yiv3044628187primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv3044628187 a.yiv3044628187primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv3044628187 | drcraigchildress posted: “I know my blog has been dark, and I do not intend to reactivate my writing to it at this time, but I want to make a general announcement regarding the availability of a new resource I am making available to targeted parents in our battle to protect and re” | |

  2. I am so glad you are back. You are by far the best education I have had regarding this horrible pathology.

  3. Good to hear from you again. Very educational. I pray that something changes before it is too late for many. My daughter has to endure constant torment from her daughter’s father in addition to cancer and complications from invasive surgeries. It is all so horribly unfair. Psychological testing during the 730 evaluation process clearly showed father is a narcissist and has other significant personality problems. Psychoticism and ideas of persecution to name a few. The court ruled in his favor because of her cancer. Three years later they still won’t do anything. Restrictive gate keeping is severe. My 10 year old granddaughter is wavering on full blown alienation but switching her emotions while with him to survive.
    I don’t know how much more mother and daughter will be able to take.

    I am a very concerned grandma and mother in so many ways.

  4. Full custody of my 4 daughters has just been awarded to my pathological ex husband in Supreme Court. The flying monkeys were many but by far the most sinister were the 3 female mental healthcare providers who sealed the fate of my children by infecting one another with the smear campaign my ex poisoned the well with early into the divorce. As there was substantial financial gain for these flying monkeys, one RCC (registered clinical counsellor not even a psychologist, psychiatrist or Dr) extorted $75,000.00 from our family! Pure evil!

  5. Thank you for this information and continued support. You are one of the pillars contributing to such a worthwhile cause!!!
    Ken Iles

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