
The world of “parental alienation” surrounding high-conflict divorce changes dramatically on June 1 in Boston.

I leave tomorrow for the East coast where I will visit my son in DC for his birthday, and then travel up to Boston for my AFCC presentation with Dorcy.  This Boston presentation is significant and will alter the landscape of how the attachment-related family pathology of “parental alienation” is addressed in both the mental health and legal systems.

My Powerpoint is in-hand.  It is powerful.

There are at least 5 major – major – fulcrums of change contained in my Boston presentation. Any one of these fulcrums of change would be significant just by itself, and there will be at least five of them in my talk.

Two of these fulcrums of change – the Key to the family law solution and the explanation of the High Road protocol’s effectiveness – are shattering fulcrums of change that will ripple for years with major impact.

Systems change is slow.  There is an inertia that prevents change within systems.  This is especially true when the inertia of the status quo is locked into place by the profound indolence and sloth of professional ignorance and incompetence.

But the solution to the attachment-related family pathology of “parental alienation” is available today – now – this instant.  The ONLY barriers are professional ignorance and the incompetence that this ignorance spawns.

On June 1 in Boston we put an end to ignorance and we return to the solid foundation of professional knowledge.

On June 1 in Boston we draw a line in the sand that defines professional standards of practice and that challenges all mental health professionals into professional competence.

On June 1 in Boston we present the solution.  Simple.  Clear.  Direct.

On June 1 in Boston we explain exactly how the High Road protocol gently and effectively achieves a 100% success rate of restoring the child’s normal-range attachment bonding motivations toward the formerly targeted-rejected parent.

On June 1 in Boston, everything changes.

When a pebble is thrown into a lake, it takes time for the ripples to expand to the shores on which we stand.  Changing the inertia created by ignorance takes time. But there is no barrier except ignorance.  The solution is available – now – today.

Following my Boston presentation I will make my Powerpoint slides available on my website, but I will extract the slides related to the High Road protocol that might compromise the intellectual property of Dorcy Pruter in explaining how the High Road protocol creates change.

Dorcy has the legitimate right to protect her intellectual property.  The professional community also has a legitimate interest in understanding the change-mechanisms used.  Our Boston presentation balances these interests.

What the High Road protocol does is unlike anything we do in psychotherapy, and the catalytic change-agent mechanisms used by the High Road protocol have potential implications far beyond the restoration of the attachment system in “parental alienation.”  I suspect that our Boston presentation will initiate a gradually emerging dialogue in professional psychology about adapting the catalytic change-agent approach used by Dorcy to a broad-range of issues beyond the restoration of attachment bonding motivations.

Once we solve “parental alienation” – because that is THE most pressing issue – then expect a series of professional-level articles.  We just don’t have time yet.  We’re too busy solving “parental alienation” as fast as is humanly possible.

Following our presentation, Dorcy will have the full series of my Powerpoint slides related to the High Road protocol and she can make these slides available to individuals and in circumstances as she sees fit.  With the exception of these High Road slides, the remainder of my Powerpoint slides from Boston will be available on my website following our presentation.

I leave tomorrow for Boston.  The world is about to change.

Craig Childress, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857

12 thoughts on “Boston”

  1. Doc, I LOVE YOU! My daughter LOVES you! I have told her all about you and Dorcy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In all sincerity, if it weren’t for you and the life-changing trail you are blazing, I would have lost my mind. I am studying Foundations and I cling to your every word. You are our lifeboat. The Titanic Trend of reckless and intentional negligence by mental health professionals in the family law system just hit an enormous iceberg – Dr. Craig Childress – Champion of our Children. Bless you and Dorcy and bless your presentation in Boston. Thank you for sharing your vital intellectual property! I am a very grateful Mama.

  2. Thank you for your continued and very important work. I have been receiving your posts for quite some time. Very much appreciated.

    You mentioned in 3rd paragraph that your “Powerpoint is in hand.” Does this mean you meant to attach your powerpoint? I would be interested in viewing it, thanks.

    Safe travels and I look forward to hearing about your trip and presentation.


    Dave Brougham

    Mobile / 250.818.8979 Skype / alpinequest

    “Start with the Why and Inspire other to take Action.”

    Simon Sinek


    1. INSPIRED ACTION , it is inspired from THE UNIVERSE Doc. and it only has Loving Intentions . Go and have fun with this Boston presentation , as you will be making HISTORY , and for years to come your hard work for the children and us Alienated Parents will have a BIG PAYOFF. Meditate before you present your presentation and you will be Glowing on stage. From Jackie an Alienated Mom for 33yrs. Bless you Doc..

      1. Jackie, after 48 years my mother and I have bonded as we were meant to when I was a baby. Unfortunately, my father, seemingly for reasons beyond his control and extreme insecurity, worked hard every day to prevent my attachment to her.
        But two years ago, after my own daughter began rejecting me, I reached out to my precious Mom and in an instant, in a heartbeat, the past lies, suffering and confusion disappeared and even though I haven’t seen her for 17 years and she lives in South Africa, (I am in Canada), I felt her with me. We speak almost everyday and a miracle is unfolding. Even though I wasn’t allowed to be close to her, my mind captured the millions of memories of her spending time with us, supporting our interests, making birthday cakes, driving me to ballet and piano lessons., helping me with my homework and loving us four children quietly as she survived a marriage with a serious malignant narcissist. I know for a fact that nothing and nobody can break that bond. But, it was up to me, I had to accept that I had been brainwashed and I had to take the risk of reaching out to her with the truth. There is hope as long as there is a Mothers love. I pray that you are reunited with your child or children so that they can be blessed by your love.

  3. Thank you for giving so much of your honoring your divine gift and dedicating your self & time to restoring American posterity. I do believe this was the time and purpose for you Dr. Craig Childress. God bless you & your family.

  4. Welcome to Boston, Dr. Childress! Woo Hoo!!! We’re ready for you with open arms! So excited to be able to WITNESS this. Thank you for your incredible spirit and huge heart.

  5. Good luck and safe travels you are supported by many who are hoping the ripples provide the strength for the rest of us to combat and make the permanent changes necessary. As a parent who tried to protect her children not by any alienation tactics just open communication only to be let down by therapist and the court who allowed and promoted alienation tactics of the other parent. Your wisdom and teachings have brought me comfort and strength to a very dark time in my life.
    Thank you

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